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So you want to be a Street Outlaws? Part 6

We began the 6th week of filming on somewhat of a good note. Last week, both The Crow, and The Murder Nova made passes on the street, for the show, for the first time this season, and both made it back into the trailer under their own power. Always a bonus. But, no time to celebrate such a small victory when this week, we’ll need to prepare for, undoubtedly, the biggest race we’ve ever been in.

Both cars are actually in good mechanical shape this week, so not much to report on repairs or upgrades. This week, the main focus was on refining everything we currently have to make the cars as fast as possible for this huge upcoming race. Shawn and Kentucky slung some 4-link bars on the Murder Nova to try and help with the tire shake we’re still experiencing, while Big Chief gave the little 482x a once over just to make sure all the fasteners were still tight. Our good buddy, Jeff Lutz also showed up to be a part of this big race this weekend. That should let you all know the magnitude of this race…when someone drives from Pennsylvania to middle America, just to street race.

Once all 3 cars were deemed ready, it was time to test. The first road we went to was all but worthless. Of the 5 cars that were there, only 1 made it down the road and that was only because he “turned it way down” So, let’s call it one night wasted basically of the 2 nights we have before the first race night. The next day, we were able to obtain a road where we could make several uninterrupted passes to really test the cars. Big Chief has The Crow looking as good as ever. Each pass seemed to just get faster from start to finish. He’s definitely in position to be a big player at this weeks race. The Murder Nova is still leaving us puzzled. Shawn and Kentucky were under the car after each pass adjusting 4link bars to try and eliminate the never ending tire shake. Unfortunately, it was all for not as the car was in just as bad of shape as when we got to the road earlier that day. Lutz also experienced some parts failure that would ultimately keep him out of the big race. Total bummer. Shawn, not being a person to ever give up, decided to do some more testing later that evening. After returning to the shop and making a couple quick changes, we set out to find a street to see if we were finally headed in the right direction. As you’ll see in the video below, it’s not 100% fixed, but we’re definitely headed in the right direction finally.

It’s now day 1 of the big race. We’re all tired, draggin’ ass, but there is still work to be done to get ready for this race. Shawn was at the shop early making some final adjustments to the suspension before loading up and heading to the race. But, we still needed to test these changes to make sure we were still headed in the right direction. Now, no one ever said we were the smartest group, but we can definitely make an argument for the most determined. In the video below, you’ll see that, indeed, we’re onto something with the chassis setup. Now that Shawn can breathe a little easier, it’s time to load both cars and head to the biggest street race any of us have ever seen…

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